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Parking Lot

Out of Stock
Vehicle Locating

  • 50 State ABS Dealer Network

  • Negotiate Competitive Pricing On Your Purchase 

  • Quick Turnaround & Processing

  • Clear, Consistent Communication

  • All Foreign & Domestic, Makes & Model

  • 50 State Filing Service

  • Complete Nationwide Registration & Titling Services

  • Transportation & Delivery Available

Kristin Parish

Account Manager

Kristin Parish is an Account Manager in the Locating Department at ABS. She started with the company in 2021 and has enjoyed finding a range of vehicles needed for various types of companies, including hundreds of Executive vehicles. She even was able to find a bright pink Jeep for an Executive! Kristin loves cats, Starbucks, and the lake! Her motto is to enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things. Thankful for all God has done.

Regina Pitts

Account Manager

Regina started in 1995 as the receptionist when ABS was a company of 5. As she grew in experience, she became an assistant to one of the cab and chassis account managers, eventually taking over the role of Account Manager in the Vehicle Locating Department where her customers now enjoy her knowledge of vehicles. Regina believes in doing what is right and letting God take care of the rest. Her family and her faith are two of the most important things in her life.

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