New Fleet Management Details to Consider

A New Administration in Washington Means a Change for the Fleet Industry

With a new Administration in the White House, cutting-edge trucking regulations are on the horizon. To have an efficient fleet management service can mean the difference between the life and death of your trucking company.  Some things to consider:

  • United States Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, indicates he wants “net-zero” emissions from your fleet by 2040.
  • Put on hold since 2017, 18-wheeler speed limits are once again back on the discussion table in Washington.
  • The FMCSA is currently reviewing vision-impaired truck driving exemptions. Having set March 15 as a comment deadline, it will soon reveal whether a change will be made.  If the new legislation passes, affected drivers will no longer be restricted to in-state hauls.
  • Many expect that the new Administration will mandate an increase in the current $750,000 requirement of insurance liability. This move could mean a drastic dent on earnings and cost the industry millions.

These potential changes to trucking regulation are just a few concerns that will need to be addressed within your fleet, and they don’t touch on the ever-changing regulations that vary from state to state! It is more essential than ever before that a trucking company has dependable and professional fleet management to handle every detail personally and expertly. The result will ensure maximum profit within this industry.

The average highway driver has no idea what you have to consider to keep your fleet of trucks driving safely and legally across our nation. What is a simple (albeit sometimes annoying) wait in line to obtain a vehicle license and title can be a virtual nightmare for those in the trucking industry! Plus, if your truck isn’t where it should be when it should be, you’re out of business! We at ABS understand that your fleet needs to keep rolling and assure you that you can leave every single one of the details to us!

With a complete line of fleet management solutions, we oversee all the details from vehicle title and registration, renewals, duplicate titles, out of stock vehicle locating and so much more. We pride ourselves on fast turn-around times, our expertise and our accurate & reliable processes. Request a free quote to get started with us today so you can unburden yourself with the administrative work and focus on running your business!